a comprehensive resource of avian nutrition research for captive bird populations

Humboldt Penguin

Spheniscus humboldti

Sphenisciformes - Spheniscus

Humboldt Penguin - Humboldt Penguin

© Samantha Lympany

Humboldt Penguin - Humboldt Penguin

Wild diet: Anchovies, Sardine, Herring and occasionally Squid.

Feeding strategy: During breeding season they will dive close to the colony (around 5-20 miles) and hunt in small groups. They will attack from below the school to prevent being seen. Humboldt’s in Chile were observed to have two behaviours; short dives (bird’s would remain within about a metre of the surface) and bounce dives (penguins would dive to the seabed and immediately return to the surface)

Wild weight ranges: 4-5kg

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Examples of diets in use

There are no diets in use yet for the Humboldt Penguin.

Please keep us up-to-date and contact us with your own updates or new diets used for the Humboldt Penguin.

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